Wizard´s Return

Trinistyr Trilogy, Volumen 3

Autor: Dan Willis
Editorial: Wizards of the Coast

Publicación en USA: Mayo 2006
ISBN: 0786940255
Páginas: 256

Descripción del libro:

  The Trinistyr
  Ancient holy relic
  Cursed symbol of power
  Key to Nearra’s future . . . or her destruction

   Nearra and Jirah have been struggling to thwart a curse that’s held their family’s magic at bay for over three hundred years. Just on the eve of victory, the two sisters are forced to make a terrible choice.

   To free the final wizard, one of them must make a shocking sacrifice. The decision sends ripples through the group, reigniting the bitterness between Davyn and Icefire. Can the companions find the strength to stand together and fight the final battle for Nearra and Jirah’s future? Or will their mission ultimately fail?