The Fate of Thorbardin

Dwarf Home, Volumen 3

Autor: Douglas Niles
Editorial: Wizards of the Coast

Publicación en USA: Enero 2010
ISBN: 978-0-7869-5150-5

Descripción del libro:
  Thorbardin has been sealed against the outside world by the edict of a mad king. The dwarves of Kayolin strive to bury longstanding hostilities of their own, and form an uneasy alliance against the King of Thorbardin and his potent magical minions.
Using the power of a long-lost artifact, the dwarves carry the fight to their enemies in a violent contest that becomes a struggle for the nation's very survival. In the end, it may require the intervention of almighty Reorx himself to determine...
The Fate of Thorbardin