The Heir of Kayolin

Dwarf Home, Volumen 2

Autor: Douglas Niles
Editorial: Wizards of the Coast

Publicación en USA: Octubre 2008
ISBN: 978-0-7869-5003-4

Descripción del libro:
  Deep within Thorbardin, dark magicians battle ruthless fanatics, with neither side interested in quarter. Far to the north, Brandon Bluestone returns to Kayolin, where, bolstered by the courage of a beautiful dwarf priestess, he faces an ancient enemy. His struggle to right a great wrong might pave the way for a peaceful future for all the dwarves of Krynn.
With the fate of the dwarven race hanging in the balance, it is a gully dwarf who puts the wheels of history into motion. His choices, foolish or wise, will determine the heir of Kayolin.