The Sellsword

The Anvil of Time, Volumen 1

Autor: Cam Banks
Editorial: Wizards of the Coast

Publicación en USA: Abril 2008
ISBN: 978-0-7869-4722-5

Descripción del libro:
  The Journeyman must use the ancient Anvil of Time to travel through history. He is told to observe, not to interfere, a task that is easier said than done . . .
The War of the Lance has ended, but the world of Krynn remains in peril. Even after the defeat of the Queen of Darkness, a disciple of Emperor Ariakas rules Nordmaar by sword and spell.
Enter Vanderjack, a mercenary with a dark past and a sword haunted by ghosts. The sellsword finds himself in Nordmaar, fighting for his freedom -- if he can settle old scores and escape acquiring new ones.